



《恋人未满》英文版的原唱是Eason Chan,这首歌是他的代表作之一。Eason Chan是一位华语流行歌手,在亚洲乐坛拥有广泛的影响力。这首歌曲以柔情的旋律和词曲质地而闻名,描述了一对恋人的感情未能达到完美的境地,仍有许多遗憾留下。尽管没有明确提到爱情的起伏,但歌词通过想象和隐喻表达了恋人之间的情感,引发听众深深的共鸣。这首歌曲的英文版以悠扬的旋律和充满情感的演唱,展现了Eason Chan独特的音乐才华。


Destiny's Child[命运之子]-《Brown Eyes》


Remember the first day when I saw your face

remember the first day when you smiled at me

you stepped to me and you said to me

I was the woman you dreamed about

remember the first day when you called my house

remember the first day when you took me out

we had butterflies although we tried to hide

and we both had a beautiful night

The way we held each others hand

the way we talked the way we laughed

it felt so good to find true love

I knew right then and there you were the one

I know that he loves me cause he told me so

I know that he loves me cause his feelings show

when he stares at me you know that he cares for me

you see how he is so deep in love

I know that he loves me cause its obvious

I know that he loves me cause it’s me he trusts

and he’s missing me if he’s not kissing me

and when he looks at me his brown eyes tells his soul

Remember the first day, the first day we kissed

remember the first day we had an argument

we apologized and then we compromised

and we haven’t argued since

remember the first day we stopped playing games

remember the first day you fell in love with me

it felt so good for you to say those words

cause I felt the same way too

The way we held each others hand

the way we talked the way we laughed

it felt so good to fall in love

and I knew right then and there you were the one

I know that he loves me cause he told me so

I know that he loves me cause his feelings show

when he stares at me you know that he cares for me

you see how he is so deep in love

I know that he loves me cause its obvious

I know that he loves me cause it’s me he trusts

and he’s missing me if he’s not kissing me

and when he looks at me his brown eyes tells his soul

i’m so happy so happy that you’re in my life

and baby now that you’re a part of me

you showed me

showed me the true meaning of love

and i know he loves me

I know that he loves me cause he told me so

I know that he loves me cause his feelings show

when he stares at me you know that he cares for me

you see how he is so deep in love

I know that he loves me cause its obvious

I know that he loves me cause it’s me he trusts

and he’s missing me if he’s not kissing me

and when he looks at me his brown eyes tells his soul

He looks at me and his brown eyes tell his soul。

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